You have probably heard about Fuliza by now. If you haven’t Fuliza is an overdraft lending product offered by M-Pesa. The only limitation is the loan limit. Which is predetermined by the lender. You are probably wondering; how can I increase my Fuliza loan limit?
In the initial stages, the Fuliza loan limit is determined on a credit and merit basis. This means that if you have a history of not repaying your Mshwari loans then your credit rating will hamper you chances of getting a larger overdraft.
But there are ways to increase Fuliza loan limit;
1. Keep depositing money in your M-Pesa account
As soon as money is deposited into your account, the Fuliza overdraft is deducted from your M-Pesa balance. If you have a history of not receiving any M-Pesa transfers or depositing money into your account, then chances are you will not be in a position to repay the Fuliza M-Pesa loan and vice versa.
2. Use the facility more often
The more often you use the service the higher your loan limit grows. Because you develop a credit history. That allows the lender to determine your repayment credibility.
Fuliza allows you to borrow extra money on the fly. To be able to buy or pay for a service that is worth more than your M-Pesa balance. This means this is a loan facility and your repayment record ultimately determines your credit score.
Just like in a bank where the faster you repay your existing loans, the more the borrowing limit grows. This is the essence behind you how can I increase my Fuliza loan limit question.