Category : SGR

how to book train in sgr

Since its inception, SGR has cut down the travel time from Nairobi to Mombasa. The train enjoys high seat occupancy and booking due to its swift and comfortable travel. Customers can either book First class or Second class/economy class. So how do you book SGR? Physically going to the Terminal booking points at either Miritini ..

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How to cancel SGR ticket

SGR has eased the travel from Mombasa to Nairobi by cutting down transport cost and time. You can easily book a ticket at the comfort of your home. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, you can find yourself having to cancel your ticket. So how do I cancel SGR ticket? First of all, let’s examine the ..

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how to reschedule sgr ticket

Update: Kenya Railways Corporation shut down ticket rescheduling in an effort to clamp down on ticket fraud. If you cannot travel on the elected date, you will have to cancel the ticket before the train departs and claim the 80% refund before purchasing a new ticket on your preferred date. SGR has cut the relative ..

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